Reading Guide Index


This site is an online guide to the Christian bible, aimed at those who read it in public worship. This page provides a detailed index to the guide.

Section 1: Hardware – how reading shaped the Bible

Writing and reading
Reading culture
A very public text
Jesus reads the lesson
In the second century church
Reading the right books: memory
Reading the right books: the rule of faith
Making the New Testament
Arguing over the Old Testament
Reading in public

Section 2: Firmware – the practice of reading

Section 3: Software – the books we read

Old Testament

The Law

The poetic and wisdom books

A grab bag of poetry, proverbs and perspicacity (section introduction)
Faith when the world makes no sense – the book of Job
Sing us one of the songs of Zion – Psalms
Too many cooks make light work – Proverbs
Life? Don’t talk to me about life! – Ecclesiastes
With breasts like twin gazelles – the Song of Songs
The gift of Wisdom
Translating and publishing grandfather’s wisdom – Sirach

The prophets

Making prophets: the economy of justice (section introduction)
The New Testament’s favourite Hebrew prophet: Isaiah
When the call of God is a tale of woe: Jeremiah, Lamentations and Baruch
On the impossibility of describng God: the weird of Ezekiel
Daniel: interpreting dreams & God’s graffiti
Twelve books, one scroll, mixed messages: the minor prophets (today’s first four)
Mixed prophets, mixed messages: Jonah, Micah, Nahum and Habbakuk
Waiting for the return of the king: at the end of the First Testament

New Testament

The Gospels and Acts

Four portraits, no photo: every gospel tells a story
A well-trained scribe: Matthew and the call to perfection
Anti-Semitic? The Pharisees and the Jewish people in Matthew’s gospel
Riddle me this: Jesus as a misunderstood puzzle. Mark’s story.
A gospel rich in stories: Luke
When repentance is more God’s work than ours: Luke’s stress on divine mercy
To infinity and beyond! (journeying via Jerusalem) – Luke’s journey structure
Retelling the Jesus story after long meditation: John’s Gospel
Truth in the dock, the Spirit at the bar: John’s distinctive themes
We are an Easter people: the Acts of the Apostles

Paul’s Letters

Paul: a health warning (Part 1 of an introduction to Paul)
A radical faith in a faithful messiah (Part 2 of an introduction to Paul)
A letter, not a compendium of theology (Romans, part 1)
Tracing Paul’s argument in Romans (Romans part 2)
When the church doesn’t do “Christian” (1 Corinthians)
Keeping up with the Corinthians (2 Corinthians)
Paul’s angriest letter: Galatians
A bold vision of a cosmic church: Ephesians
Colonies of heaven: Christianity as a Roman religion in Philippians
King of the universe: Colossians
It’s the end of the world as we know it: the Thessalonian letters
House rules and cultural accommodation: the Pastoral letters
Negotiating the master-slave relationship in a church family: the letter to Philemon.

The other letters and Revelation

More perfect priest, superior sacrifice: Hebrews
Keeping it in the family: James
The first papal encyclical? 1 Peter
On the periphery of the Bible: 2 Peter and Jude
The material reality of love: the letters of John
Visions, vindication and victory: the strange world of the Apocalypse


Some frequently read posts

The material reality of love: the letters of John

Welcome to Lection and Liturgy

The first papal encyclical? 1 Peter

Visions, vindication and victory: the strange world of the Apocalypse

On the periphery of the Bible: 2 Peter and Jude